I worry about making phone calls back to the states when I travel for business. When I first heard about Silent Phone from a news article, I was skeptical. Nothing is ever as it seems in advertising. I’ve been using this for my business and personal communications now for a month. Getting started was a little tricky since you have to sign up on their website, but for a little over $10 a month I can send files back and forth to my office, send messages on status updates and even call my vendors who aren’t on the system. I wish there was a way to message more than one person at a time, but the trade-off is I knowing my words are not being snooped across the internet. I love the “burn” feature too, though I’m not certain that it is really deleted off all servers. The features I would like to see are voicemail or at least some way for people to contact me if I don’t answer right away, and group texts so I can update my team abroad.
Protected! about Silent Phone